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tv   KPIX 5 News on the CW  CW  May 6, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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this is kpix5 news on the cw. my mommy is happy now. she's already in heaven. >> there was so many names. >> we are learning more about the women who died in a burn limo, and why they couldn't escape. >> we start with the latest on the limousine fire that killed five members of a wedding party. today, the chp says that limo was over loaded and no quick or easy answers in an investigation that is expected to take several weeks. we're also learning more about the victims. the bride celebrating with her friends. the bodies of michelle estrara, jenny, and anna along with a fifth unidentified woman were all found trapped inside the burned out car.
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and we're also learning who survived. jasmin is in serious condition at valley medical center. mary grace and anelia both released. a fourth woman, amalia remains in critical condition at valley medical center. and that is where sue is tonight to start our coverage. sue. >> reporter: that's right. you know, tonight their coworker and friend, jenny died on saturday night in that limo fight. tonight she is being remembered. jenny is a nurse known for her smile and remembered by her husband for the way she loved her family. >> the things she would do for the kids and for me. the things she did every morning, prepare the kids meals
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and their clothes and doing my daughter's hair. >> relatives are finding comfort with living room prayer sessions and they promise to help john care for the couple's two-year-old son and ten-year- old daughter, who is old enough to understand her mommy isn't coming home. >> i told her, mommy is happy now. she is already in heaven because she believes in jesus christ as her savior, and she goes to heaven now. so we should be happy for her. >> jenny was looking forward to her first limo ride with friends. a rare night out to celebrate a coworker's marriage. john works at the center, too, as a physical therapist. so he lost friends as well as the love of his life. >> you are happily married. everything flows smoothly.
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and this happened and for my kids and for me. >> they were already planning a trip back to the philippines to celebrate jenny's 40th birthday this summer. now that party turned into a memorial. the coroner is expected to release her body tomorrow. and of course, the community is rallying around the family, bringing food today and many condolences on jenny's facebook page. >> so tragic. sue, thank you for that report. we learned a limo company could face hefty state fines over the number of people in the car. it was authorized to carry a maximum of eight passengers. there were nine the night of the fire. kpix5's joe vasquez shows us what the victims were up against. joe. >> liz, we're here at transportation. i want to make it clear. this is a different company than the one involved saturday night. the folks here said this sort of incident is extremely rare.
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i have heard of deaths by fire in a stretch limousine, but usually only involving a collision accident. >> butch has been drivingly moes for 43 years. >> i have never heard of one develop into a fire ball. this is considered the five door limousine. >> he let us inside a lincoln town car, similar to the one that burst into flames. we could see the passenger's perspective. a lot of people are wondering, why didn't they go out the rear doors. as you can see, the rear doors are in the very far back of the limo. it appears the fire was concentrated in this area. secondly, when you try to open one of those doors, they are child locked by the driver so no one can accidentally open it and fall out. as the fire began to rage, the passengers yelled to the
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driver, but he now says he misunderstood, telling cnn, he thought someone wanted to have a cigarette. >> if i would have known smoke, instead of i want to smoke a cigarette. maybe 30 seconds would have been spared. but everything happened so fast. >> women quickly realized they were trapped. their only way out was to scramble through the small -- as you can see, it is a tight squeeze for one person, not to mention, one after another, nine people trying to escape. four got out. authorities say the five who died were huddled right up against the partition. >> we were horrified. to watch this long limousine just engulf in flames. it was just a nightmare. >> so, what exactly caused the fire? well, the driver insists he doesn't think it was a fuel issue. he thinks it was electrical.
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investigators will be going through the evidence to find out what caused it. >> a lot of unanswered questions. all right joe, thank you. it took fire crews 11 minutes and 50 seconds to reach the scene. here's why. they had to start off going eastbound on the bridge. two miles later, they reversed directions at the emergency turn around point and from there, they had to double back to the fire. 2 1/2 years after the san bruno explosion, pg and e could face a multibillion dollar fine. wants pg and e to pay $2.25 billion for its negligence leading up to the explosion that killed eight people and injured 66. it's supposed to come from shareholders, not the utility's customers. it could affect its ability to pay for further improvements. a judge will make the final decision later this year. a broken sewer pipe may be to blame in the richmond
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district. around 5:00 tonight, the ground gave way right in the middle of 2nd avenue and lake street. pd tells us a car drove over it and once it passed, the road collapsed. nobody was injured. the sink hole is 15 feet long and 15 feet deep in some areas. the intersection will obviously remain closed until that hole is fixed. we expect some answers this week on the game plan for those bad bay bridge bolts. the kpix5 tells us other questions will have to wait. >> officials may get some answers wednesday about how to treat the problem with the bolts on the bay bridge. chances are, they'll get a cost estimate and time estimate on the fix to repair those 32 snap bolts on the suspension. however, questions still remain about the remaining 192 bolts on the bridge and the long-term health of hundreds of others. the question now is a public confidence in the project. tests are out on those bolts and it could be some time.
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on treasure island, kpix5. >> as for whether the bridge will still open on schedule, there's no clear answer on that yet. >> california's highest court has ruled cities and counties can ban medical marijuana dispensaries within their borders. the ruling comes despite a state law protecting patients. proposition 215 approved by state voters does not prevent local governments from prohibiting marijuana stores. nearly 200 cities and counties, including more than 40 in the greater bay area ban medical marijuana dispensaries. we finally saw some showers around the bay area today. paul, what's the story? >> first time in more than a month we had widespread rain fall here in the bay area. radar tonight is clear. that area of low pressure that caused the rain fall today is still around. so enjoy the break. nothing on it.
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rain fall today. san ramon, you have more than a quarter inch of rain fall. but nothing officially fell in san francisco. we'll talk about our rain chances coming up in a few minutes. i've been kidnapped and i've been missing for ten years and i'm here. i'm free now. >> it took a decade, but tonight, three separate kidnappings have come to one incredible end. plus, we use it for everything else and soon, there may be a social networking strategy for busting bay area gangs. and a gun scare locks down a bay area college campus and wait until you hear what the reported weapon really was. ,,,,,,,,
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[ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever.
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good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at three women who were report missing a de an incredible story unfolding in cleveland tonight. >> three women who were reported missing a decade ago have been found alive. police arrested three brothers and say the women have been tied up. cbs reporter, teresa garcia on the neighbor who heard the screams. >> a frantic amanda barry called 911 from a house in
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cleveland asking police for help. it's the first time her voice has been heard since she disappeared more than ten years ago. barry, seen here in the center, was reunited with her sister at a cleveland hospital. she was just 16 when she disappeared. also discovered today was gina who disappeared in 24 at the age of 14. and michelle knight, who had reportedly been missing since 2002. charles ramsey lives next door to where the women were reportedly being held. he said he heard screaming coming from his neighbor's house. >> i see this girl and she was just going nuts on the door. i said what's your problem? just open the door. she says i can't. >> ramsey says he kicked open the door and freed the woman, then he let her use his phone. >> i have been kidnapped and i've been missing for ten ars and i'm here. >> police say all three women rescued from the home had been tide up. they were taken to a cleveland
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hospital. >> all three girls are healthy. they are getting treatment right now. all of them doing well. they all look good. >> barry was the subject of recent searches, including this one last year after a tip that her body was buried in this lot. the 52-year-old man who lived at the house and two of his brothers have been arrested in connection with the disappearances. police are planning a morning news conference to release further details. cbs news. a six-year-old child was also in the home. that child is also being checked out at the hospital. the college friend of the surviving boston bombing suspect is free on bail tonight. a judge said robe l phillipos was sent home with a monitoring bracelet. he lied about visiting his dorm room. he faces up to eight years in
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prison and a quarter million dollar fine if he's convicted. police plan to come down hard on whoever is behind a shooting that left five people hurt. authorities say four young men with gang ties were shot at a bus stop outside a mcdonald's yesterday afternoon. also hurt, a woman who was hit in the lower leg and her six- year-old granddaughter who hurt herself trying to get away. kpix5 shows us an ivy league professor is taking his own approach. >> it's another busy night where they are looking for ways to work faster and smarter. introducing social network analysis of gang members. >> if you are committing crimes and doing robberies and selling drugs, that's how you get shot. you are hanging around people doing risky things. >> andrew says bringing state of the art policing to the west coast. he takes data, like police
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reports and creates graphs. the red dots are gun shot fatalities and the white dots are friends and relatives. essentially, it's a social map to show who else is at risk. >> 2,000 people getting connected. gangs are groups that you wouldn't think are connected are connected. there groups that don't like each other. and in fact, those people could be at great risk. they are standing between different groups. >> a gang social network happened yesterday where five people were hit. it was connected to a fatal drive by shooting back in january. the hope is that the social graph tells detectives, priests, counselors, job tanners, and so on who to contact to prevent the next shooting. >> we believe it's a very comprehensive and effective way to address the violence. >> remembers when actual game members saw the research that showed their risk of getting
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gunned down. >> they know the world they live in. they don't realize how much of a small world it really is. >> technology has been used in public health to reduce the spread of diseases. they are just starting to use it in law enforcement. they roll the technology out as early as this summer. kit doe, kpix5. >> the jail professor is going to hit other hot spots, including oakland, stockton, and selin a. the experiment got a little too real when a card board gun was mistaken for the real thing. this happened this afternoon at santa clara's mission college. the students were dressed up as criminals as part of a class project. one of them carried a card board cutout of a gun, which caused another student to panic. the report, a person with a gun. the college went into lockdown for 45 minutes until police
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located the student and the card board weapon. a lot of people may have looked outside and thought, is this rain for real? it was weird. >> it was dry for nearly a month. and then, sunday came. and then today, yeah, looks a lot different. had an ominous look. as you looked off to the east and rate dare got active. peek outside tonight, one of the hot spots was liver more, which is where we are. you are dry tonight, but scattered showers may return tomorrow. showing a couple showers up on the 505 corridor. also on i-80 toward davis. but nothing else throughout the bay area. let me show you one of the cameras, catching one of those shields of rain fall moving through. it was out toward the mountain and fair field and liver more, walnut creek where you saw the rain fall today.
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let me show you what to expect. a shower chance, that's our stop tonight from the microclimate forecast. high tomorrow only 71 degrees. rain is gone. the clouds will persist on wednesday. partly sunny with a high of 74. let's talk about why this is happening. warm, even hot away from the water on saturday and then sunday we got cooler and stormier for some of you this afternoon. big area of low pressure sitting off the california coastline. what just happened? we're seeing a counterclock wise flow. that is drawing up humid air. you probably notice the increase in the stickiness outside. that will begin to move away. even as it passes by, that low will be close enough to us to give us showers. those showers tomorrow will be move ling from east to west. by wednesday, this is gone. that's why the rain chance is moving up. by thursday, mainly sunny
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skies. scattered showers possible overnight tonight. cloudier pattern will persist, then the second half of the week, thursday, friday and into the weekend, we will be much sunnier and milder. temperatures are close to normal. well into the 90s, this is relatively cooler. 2 degrees below average. that's 72 for you tomorrow. slight chance of a shower with a high of 71. union city, your high is 69 degrees. we're looking at low 70s. san ramone, 71. and brentwood, jowl a high of 72. mid 60s for you. nevada is 70. san rafael tomorrow, 7 # degrees. rain is gone by wednesday. here comes the sunshine on thursday. right now, we always look toward the weekend. sunshine over the weekend. saturday and sunday, low 80s inland. upper 7 os near 70s near the
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bay. allergy suffers, get that pollen out of the air. >> fire danger is way down. humidity goes up, fire danger much better. >> we want to get more days like this in there. >> we could use a few. thank you, paul. >> coming up, the new game plan for the warriors waterfront arena and how the design could affect your commute. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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unveiled a new look for the look for, what they hope, is their new arena. sign includes more the golden state warriors
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unveiled a new look. >> the new design includes more public access, a fire station, and a deep water ship birth. it includes views so people can see inside the warrior's practice facility and into the arena. but not everyone is buying into it just yet. >> it's not about the nuances of the design. how we will shuttle 2 million people out of this congested area. the privately financed arena will be lee located between the ferry building and at&t park. >> the giants finally beat cliff lee. what you will see, you won't believe. the warriors and spurs stag and kpix5 is the official television station for the new bay bridge opening celebration.
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,,,, goodnight. thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyone's phone or email. (speaking french) so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. i
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ured one of the bigg warriors and spurs staged one of the greatest games tonight. wayne, start the clock. currie court side to see stefan. he had another monster third quarter, three pointer here. currie had 22 points in the
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third quarter along 44 overall. the warriors blow a 16 point lead. oh my goodness. golden state takes a lead here, but the place goes nuts. the warriors stop for a complete collapse of epic proportions and lose. they have one last chance. can't get off a clean shot. 129-127 the final. we go to the 5th, philadelphia dominant. over the arcade, up madison, bounces in and beat the giants 6-2. how about some more, jared parker gave up four solo home runs. cleveland won 6-3. >> good for them. >> john is online once. >> oh.
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niners didn't lose. >> tomorrow is out day. >> absolutely. >> we'll see you next month. ,, look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices
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with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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hey, ryan. can i get you a pencil from the warehouse? uh, no thanks. i'm good. oh, it's okay. i'm going down. um... oh. yeah. absolutely. [laughing]


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